Genshin Impact has officially announced all the Event Wishes for the upcoming version 4.0 update. Based on the banner schedule, Lyney and Lynette will make their debut in the first phase. Further, the officials will release Freminet in the second phase. It is important to note that Lyney is the first and only new 5-star character in this update, while the other two are 4-star entities.
In addition, HoYoverse has also revealed the English and Japanese voice actors of the upcoming Fontaine characters. This article will briefly go over their release dates and banner order, as well as the official voice actors.
Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet Release Dates and Voice Actors in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact will release only one new 5-star character in the new 4.0 patch. Lyney is a Pyro unit and his weapon of choice is a Bow. Since he will be featured in the first phase, he will debut on August 16, 2023, and his banner will end on September 6, 2023. Below is a list of his voice actors:
- English: Daman Mills
- Japanese: Shimono Hiro
The officials will also release a brand-new Bow for Lyney called The First Great Magic. It is a 5-star weapon and will only be available during the first phase of version 4.0. Based on its skills and stats, it is a very good weapon for most Bow DPS characters in the game.

Lynette is an Anemo unit who will make her debut in the first phase of Genshin Impact 4.0, alongside her 5-star twin, Lyney. She is a 4-star Sword character. Travelers can find her voice actors below:
- English: Anairis Quiñones
- Japanese: Sasahara Yuu

Fortunately, the developers have also announced that players can obtain a free copy of Lynette starting from the next update. However, they must be at least Adventure Rank 25. Eligible travelers can obtain Lynette's free copy directly from the event menu.

Freminet is a new Cryo character from Fontaine. Unlike the other two new units, he will be released in the second phase of Genshin Impact 4.0, which will begin on September 6 and end on September 27. He is a 4-star character and his weapon type is Claymore.
Here is a list of the artists that will voice Freminet in Genshin Impact:
- English: Paul Castro Jr.
- Japanese: Toki Shunichi
An interesting fact about Freminet is that he is also Lyney and Lynette's brother, as stated in their drip-marketing post. But unlike his siblings, he likes to stay away from the spotlight. He is also extremely knowledgeable about marine life.
Edited by Abu Amjad Khan